The Whitehall Choir is one of London’s leading amateur choirs. It has a varied repertoire including challenging unaccompanied pieces as well as larger choral works.

Next Concert

Thursday, 21 November

On Thursday, 21 November, the choir will be performing Herbert Howells' Requiem, and a programme of other pieces reflecting the texts Howells chose for it.

This will include choral music written by Morley and Mendelssohn, as well as by a variety of more modern composers. Organist Ian Tindale will also play related pieces, including works by Lennox Berkeley and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.

The concert will take place at 7:30pm in St Peter's Church, Eaton Square, SW1W 9AL.

Join Whitehall Choir

Sing with one of London’s leading amateur choirs

The Whitehall Choir is always looking for talented singers. We meet during the academic year on Tuesdays, from 6.30 to 9pm, in the Parish Hall of St Peter’s Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AL. If you’d like to try us, come to the first or second rehearsal of term. Next term starts on Tuesday, 3 September, when we will start working on Howells’ Requiem for a concert on 21 November.

The choir is friendly, ambitious and energetic – do contact us if you’d like to come along to try out a session, we’d love to meet you.

Whitehall Choir is committed to promoting equality and diversity and promoting a culture of making high quality music that reflects the diverse world in which we live.  We value people from different backgrounds, ages and experiences.   We welcome applications to join from all backgrounds and identities.

If you are interested in joining us click here for more information, or email

Latest News

Laugh, Sing, Rejoice!

The choir’s latest recording, Laugh, Sing, Rejoice! was released on 7 June. It includes the first recordings of Cecilia McDowall’s Psalm 65, and of William Mathias’s O Clap your Hands. There are also three Shakespeare madrigals set to music by Emma Lou Diemer, and KaTeKiTa by Reena Esmail.

You can listen to the recording on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and other services.